Legal notices and T&Cs

The owner and publisher of this website is the French company VJ EVENT having its registered office located at:

45, Rue des Côtes – 78600 Maisons-Laffitte – France

Registration numbers:

Siret: 480 931 138 0001 4
VAT no : FR 03480931138

Phone: +33 (0) 6 69 92 00 69
Fax: +33 (0) 9 82 62 06 90

Contact: infos (at)

The editor is: Florian Raffenne – florian (at)

The user acknowledges having read this legal notice and agrees to comply.

The user is informed that, pursuant to Article 27 of the Data, files and freedoms law of January 6, 1978, the information provided by the user via forms on this site is necessary to respond to his request and are intended for the website operator for purposes of administrative and commercial management. They may, unless opposed by the affected user, be communicated to its partners.

The user is also informed that he has a right of access and rectification of the data by writing to the operator of the website:
VJ EVENT 4, Mertens Street – 92270 Bois-Colombes – France.

The site content is subject to French law, both as regards the substantive rules that the rules of form.