Architectural or object mapping

Spectacular video installations to liven up your event or dress up a space:

Video Mapping or Projection Mapping, or Video Mapping is a video projection process on 3d volumes or 2d surfaces in order to create large sets.

Architectural video mapping is the adaptation of visual content to a 3d surface of a building (interior or exterior) by applying masks to the projection source. These are very spectacular and unique site-specific installations.

By using a judicious combination of synesthetic video and sound creation, this type of installation transports the spectators into a universe of augmented reality by involving them emotionally.

Video mapping lends itself equally well to event or institutional evenings (monumental projection on the facade of buildings, retro-mapping, decor projected on the walls or on a 3D surface created especially for this purpose) as well as ephemeral or permanent installations to dress up a reception area of ​​a company, a store or even a backdrop at a convention.

VJ EVENT also offers the creation of tailor-made scenic devices for conventions, shows or parties, such as mapping on 3 D objects (eg perfume bottle) or 2 D (roof line , figurative forms, …).

Vidéo à la une 

Original mapping creation at the salon du Grand Hôtel Intercontinental in Paris


– As an alternative to facade mapping, VJ Event designs projections spotted on two-dimensional surfaces. This technique makes it possible to quickly change the decor and immerse the public in different atmospheres.

It is possible to design cutouts of different shapes to represent objects or landscapes for example. As an alternative to projection, it is possible to create original shapes from LED tiles, such as an Arc de Triomphe for example.

V-Jaying : Vj mix on architectural surface or scenic objects
Aroma V-Jaying : Fragrances diffusion

Featured video 

Etude pour projection mappé sur un desk dj

References :

Mapping of the grand salon of the Grand Hôtel Intercontinental in Paris< /a>

Mapping au Gotham Hall in New York (A-blok Agency)

Mapping on structure in the shape of the roofs of Paris

Mapping on dress

– Mapping for private events in Monaco and Marrakech (Gala Organization)

Do you have a video mapping project or do you want to organize a mapping at the Grand Hotel?